Sukawati Art Market

Sukawati Art Market is the place sells goods Balinese art so it would make a great gift Bali to friends, or relatives. Goods sold and the price is quite attractive side. Ranging from beaded slippers, shorts Balinese, clothing, batik, bags, paintings, wood sculptures, bed covers, household appliances until the knick-knacks and jewelry are sold here.

For those who have the expertise to offer, here do not be afraid to bid, the seller would not be upset if we offer a low price. A pair of beaded sandals good bargain if we could we'd bought for ten thousand dollars. Even in the bargain are advised to bid for a third of the sales price .... wow ...

Sukawati Art Market is located in Gianyar area not far from Ubud, 1 hour travel time from Kuta or 1.5 hours from Ngurah Rai Bali by land route.

When you feel less satisfied with the price being negotiated, do not be afraid to leave the seller. During the price is still generating a profit for the seller, surely you will be called back. The top-selling items are usually sandals, clothing, and items of Balinese art.

If you like shopping, preferably morning. Because in the morning at about 8 - 10, the seller had just finished praying. Well according to their beliefs, if successful selling in the morning, it will bring more demands for hours and hours in the future. This is commonly referred to as a "loss leader".

Sukawati art market has stood from the eighties (80's). Open hours of eight am to six o'clock. Except Galungan and Nyepi, Sukawati Market is open every day and is usually crowded on Sundays or holidays.

If a holiday to Bali, do not forget to stop by the Art Market Sukawati. Advice was often spoken of the tour guide in Bali. Interested?